
Monday, October 18, 2010

Cotton Burned

The Nashville Union says Mr. H. Campbell, a merchant of that city for near twenty-six years, informs it that a few weeks ago he had sixty-six bales of cotton burned near Pulaski, Giles county, by Scott’s marauders.  He is satisfied that it was done at the instigation of the planter whom he had paid for the cotton.  On last Thursday Morgan’s band burned forty-two bales more belonging to the same gentleman.  The rebels in Giles county are anxious to sell their cotton, and then burn it as soon as they get the money in their pocket.  They need a severe lesson, and we hope it will be promptly administered.  It is idle to think of quelling this rebellion by patting rebel cotton, bridge and house burners on the back.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 17, 1862 p. 1

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