
Monday, October 18, 2010

Henry H. Klock, Lieutenant And Adjutant.

Was born in Manheim, Herkimer County, New York, November 27th, 1835. Received a common school education. Removed to Illinois in 1854.  Was engaged in teaching public school in Madison County, Illinois, when he enlisted. Enlisted in the 9th Illinois Infantry, Company F, and was mustered in as a private, July 28th, 1861. Was detailed as Clerk in the Adjutant's office, from September 1861. Was commissioned as 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant January 31st, 1862, to rank from October 3d, 1861. Has been with the Regiment through most of its battles. Was wounded at Shiloh and Corinth. Is still acting as Adjutant for the Regiment, and is devoted to the duties of his office.

SOURCE: Marion Morrison, A History Of The Ninth Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 93-4

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