
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Andrew J. Burge

Age, twenty-seven; a native of Ohio; residence, Des Moines, Polk County; enlisted Dec. 24, 1861. He had lived in this county since its earliest organization — his father being one of the first white settlers. Was religious, and of strict morals, and naturally intelligent; but was inclined to insanity, and had been at one time a patient in the Asylum at Mt. Pleasant; yet, as a soldier, he performed his duties faithfully — showing no signs of the return of his malady. Lieutenant Wilkins informs me that he was a good and obedient soldier, and Captain Studer says: —

"Of this soldier I can say nothing but what is strictly good. I never knew him to utter an oath or to say even an unkind word to anybody. He was very sedate, quiet, and unobtrusive; modest to a fault, perhaps; honest and scrupulously obedient. He was a splendid soldier and man in every respect. At Shiloh he fought most bravely. During the siege of Corinth he fell ill, was taken to General Field Hospital, at Monterey, Tenn. (between Shiloh Church and Corinth), and died of typhoid fever, June 1, 1862, I think, while being transported from Monterey to Pittsburg Landing, at the latter place."

SOURCE: Leonard Brown, American Patriotism: Or, Memoirs Of Common Men, p. 217-8

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