
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

William L. Close

Son of Mr. Close, of Valley Township, Polk County. "Was," says Captain Studer, "enlisted for Captain Hoxie's company, 17th Iowa, March 1,1862. When sent to Keokuk, for muster into United States service, he desired to be transferred to Company B, 15th Iowa Infantry. An exchange was effected in the person of private William Pursley, who was duly transferred to Captain Hoxie's company, 17th Iowa, while William L. Close was duly received in his desired Company B. He entered upon his duties with good will; was anxious to learn all his duties; was of good, steady habits, very orderly and well behaved — hence well respected by all. Like private Henry P. Taylor, he was taken suddenly ill during the night of March 17-18, in the company's barracks at Camp Halleck, Keokuk, and died of congestive fever a few hours afterwards, to the greatest surprise of all, for he was seemingly strong, of good constitution, and well built. His death was deeply regretted by all, because he was well liked for the short time he was connected with this command."

Age, twenty-one; a native of Illinois; private; mustered into the United States service, March 14.

SOURCE: Leonard Brown, American Patriotism: Or, Memoirs Of Common Men, p. 217

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