
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Arrest of Dr. Ives

Mr. Stanton has snubbed the N. Y. Herald.  He has sent the special representative of that sheet in Washington, to chew the cud of his bitter fancies at Fort M’Henry.  The last act of this man Ives was to entertain at breakfast at Williard’s [sic], Gen. McClellan’s staff.  So we learn from a special dispatch to the N. Y. Tribune.*  This was the morning of the 9th.  It was the 8th that Ives outraged official dignity and decency by intruding himself where he had no business, and where he was not wanted, and was ejected from the War Office.  The next morning he feasts Gen. McClellan’s staff, whether for the purpose of fortifying himself in his quarrel with the Secretary, or for the purpose of worming out some news, does not appear.  We had much rather have seen Gen. McClellan’s staff taking breakfast in better company.

There is more in this arrest than appears on the surface.  It has been well known in certain circles that the representative of the Herald in Washington, during the last administration, had the entre of the White House and the Departments, when members of Congress and men high in position and official dignity were shut out.  State secrets were first made know to this man Ives, or some other person holding the same position.  Poor old Buchanan trembled before the frowns of the Herald, and submitted to be enslaved.  The Departments were then in fellowship with the Herald, for that paper gave them a sympathizing support in all their unblushing rascalities and conspiracies for the overthrow of the Government.

When the new administration came into power, the Herald, true to its devilish instincts, commenced to flatter and threaten by turns.  Its first effort was to persuade the President to follow in Buchanan’s footsteps, and to such extent did it go in support of secession that the enraged citizens of New York threatened to tear down the office.  The Herald yielded to a power it could not resist, and has since exerted its influence to the same purpose, but in another form.  It is in favor of any compromise, however disgraceful or humiliating to the people of the free States, that will bring back Mason and Toombs and Davis to the Senate, and preserve slavery from all harm.  It now daily praises and flatters the President and Gen. McClellan, and assails with the grossest billingsgate every eminent Republican and opponent of slavery.

We presume this Dr. Ives has been endeavoring to establish the same relations with this administration that he had with the last.  How far he has succeeded we do not know, but he found in Mr. Stanton a man whom no flattery could bribe, nor threats overawe, and with a will that hesitated at no responsibility where his judgment approved.  We most sincerely rejoice at this decisive act of the Secretary.  It gives hope to the future.  Washington has been a sink of iniquity, disgraceful to the age and country, and we trust it will soon enjoy a purer atmosphere.

Will the Herald sustain its trusted reporter?  We doubt it.  We shall not be the least surprised if it gives him the cold shoulder, until it thinks it safe to wreak its vengeance on the prompt and courageous Secretary. – Pittsburgh Gazette.

* This proves to be incorrect. – ED. GAZETTE

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, February 17, 1862, p. 2

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