
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Gen. Fremont Exculpated by the War Committee --- Secretary Stanton Promises to Reinstate Him

From the Wash. Cor. of the Philadelphia Inquirer.

The President and a number of the cabinet are favorable to giving Fremont another command, but it is opposed by the anti-Fremonters.

The Committee on the Conduct of the War express themselves satisfied with his course, part of his original plan having been to go up the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers, seize the railroads, and then take Memphis, and open the cotton ports, instead of carrying on a filibustering war around the Missouri swamps and Arkansas wilds; first having left St. Louis so that it could be defended against all odds by a small force.

The committee called on Secretary Stanton and asked the reinstatement in command at once of Fremont, and informed him that his war record was clear.  Ben. Wade wanted him to have command of the whole army of the Potomac.  Secretary Stanton pledged his word that he should be placed where he could fight for his country.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, February 17, 1862, p. 2

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