
Friday, February 25, 2011

Headquarters Recruiting Depot

DAVENPORT, Iowa, Feb.18, 1862.

General Orders No. 3.

I.  The loss sustained by the troops from this State in recent actions, and other casualties, having probably reduced their strength considerably below the minimum standard, Recruiting Officers are required to prosecute their recruiting operations with the greatest activity and energy.

II.  On the application of Recruiting Officers, they will be authorized to establish branch rendezvous in counties adjoining those in which their principal rendezvous are located.  The application should state the proposed point, and its distance from the principal rendezvous, and the branch should, if practicable, be placed on some Railroad or Stage-line communication therewith.  These branch rendezvous will be placed under the charge of a non-commissioned officer in the recruiting party.  In no case will the price paid for board and lodging exceed that which is paid at the principal rendezvous; and no unnecessary expense will be incurred in travelling between branch and principal rendezvous.  Officers will visit their branch rendezvous once in ten days, and enlist all proper persons who may present themselves for enlistment.

III.  Tri-monthly reports will be promptly rendered to his office on the 10th, 20th and last day of each month, whether any enlistments have been made or not.  Returns of recruiting parties will be promptly made on the last day of the month.

By order,

Captain, 2d Artillery, Sup’t Vol. R. S.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, February 19, 1862, p. 1

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