
Friday, February 25, 2011


FRIDAY, May 23, P.M.

The weather during the past week has been cool and pleasant – very favorable for growing crops.  The receipts of grain are on the increase.  Farmers are improving the time before corn is ready for plowing in bringing forward their remaining surplus from last year’s crop.  Wheat steady at 55 to 60 cents for common to choice Spring.  Winter rules about 10 cents higher, and if clean and free from Rye is in demand at 70 to 75 cents.  City Mills running full time.

Rye and oats are wanted for shipment to St. Louis, where we notice sales of the former at 50 cents, bags included, and the latter at 50 cents.  For details of St. Louis and Chicago markets we refer to the annexed reports.

The river at this point is gradually receding.  A large force is at work on the C. B. & Q. R. R. repairing the track, and hope to have the cars into East Burlington next week.  The Railroad east continues to move freight promptly via Quincy three times a week by steamer Fannie and live stock every day by the ferry boat to Oquawka.

SUGAR – 8½@9½ - crushed, 11½; refined white 11½c; clarified 10½c.
COFFE – 20@22c.
MOLASSES – By the bbl., Reboiled, 40; Syrup, 45; kegs $4.50.  Sorghum, 25@30c.
NAILS – Ass., $3 75@4.
RICE – 8c.
FRUIT – Raisins, prime, new $4.50.
BROOMS – $1 25@1 go per dozen.
FLOUR – Wholesale $4.50 to $5.00; Spring $4.00@$4.55.
WHEAT – Spring, 55@60, choice t0; Winter 65@70 choice.
CORN – 18@19c.
RYE – 28@30c.
BEANS – 60@75c per bush.
POTATOES – 25@30c per bush.
OATS – 20@22c.
BUTTER – 8@9c.
EGGS – 4c.
CHICKENS – 60@70c per doz.
ONIONS – 25c. – no market.
HAY – Timothy, $7@$9
WOOD – $2 50@$3 00.
HIDES – Green, 4½c.; Dry Fling 10@11c.  Green Salted 5½c.
GREEN CALF SKINS – 5c; salted, 6@7c.
SHEEP PELTS – 35@100.
WHISKEY – 21@23c.
LARD – 4@5c. per lb in bbl.
APPLES – 30@50c.
DRIED APPLES – 6@7c per lb.
TIMOTHY SEED – $1.25 to 1.50 per push.  No market.
HUNGARIAN GRASS SEED – 25@40c. [per] bushel.  No sale.
CLOVER SEED – $4 50@$5 00.  No market.
FLAX SEED – prime $1 25@$1 50.
CORN MEAL – 25@30c.
BACON – Hams 4 cents; shoulders 3 cents; side 4c.
RAGS – 2c per lb.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 24, 1862, p. 3

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