
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Cairo News

CAIRO, May 16. – The steamer Gladiator arrived this afternoon from Pittsburg Landing. – Her officers report that when she left, there was a rumor at the landing that Beauregard had sent a flag of truce to gen. Halleck, asking for an armistice of ten days.  This was subsequently corroborated by deserters from the enemy’s lines.  The matter was said to have been under consultation when the Gladiator left.  It is proper to state that this report is not credited at headquarters here.

The following dispatch was received May 15.  There has been nothing of great importance received from the fleet within a day or two.

The Cincinnati has been got off the bottom of the river by the use of the steam pump, and after some work upon her bulkhead, will go up the river for repairs to-day.

The Memphis Appeal of the 11th contains a letter from a correspondent at Fort Pillow, who witnessed the battle of the 10th inst.  It disagrees with the report of Jeff Thompson sent yesterday, and fixes the loss of the rebels killed at eight and the wounded as high as sixteen.

Six deserters have just come aboard the Benton from Memphis.  They say that Memphis is being digged fine for recruit[s] and left to escape conscription.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 24, 1862, p. 4

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