
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Washington News

WASHINGTON, May 16. – The Senate to-day confirmed the nomination of Brevet Major General Wool to be Major General for gallant conduct on the 10th of May in taking the city of Norfolk, and for other gallant services.  Also of Chas. Case as Postmaster at Winchester, Virginia.

The mails for New Orleans will be made up at New York to be forwarded by sea or every steamer which may leave for that port, therefore the communication between these cities will be frequent.  Postmasters are requested to forward all mail matter for New Orleans to New York.

Representative Norton, at present connected with the Agricultural branch of the Patent Office, has been nominated by the President as Commissioner of Agriculture.

Benjamin F. Leeabough, of Nebraska, is confirmed as Agent for the Pawnee Indians in that territory.

The Navy department has information that on the 1st inst. Acting Lieut. Nyckles, of the Onward dispatched Acting master Sloper in his vessel’s launch in chase of the Schooner Serape, about one hundred tones burden, endeavoring to run the blockade off Bull’s Bayou on the coast of South Carolina.  Her crew, thereupon ran her ashore and burned her, themselves escaping.

On the 6th the United States gunboat Ottawa captured the schooner C. C. Pickeny from Charleston for Nassau, with 94 bales of cotton.

On the night of the 8th the Alabama passed the light house.  The next day the Pocahontas endeavored to get her but could not as she was under the protection of the shore batteries.

Gen. Sickles was to-day ordered to resume the command of the excelsior Brigade, attached to the army of the Potomac.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 24, 1862, p. 4

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