
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Chicago Market

CHICAGO, Thursday, May 22 – 4 P. M.

The Flour market was firmer to-day, but not quotably higher, with moderate sales at $3.65@ 3.70 for fair to good spring extras.  Wheat was firm, and 1@2c better, with a good demand and liberal sales at the range of 81@82c for Amber Iowa; 83c for No. 2 Red; 70@80c for No. 1 spring; and 68@70½c for No. 2 spring in store.  Corn was steady and firm, with fair sales at the range of 27@27½c for old mixed in store, chiefly at outside quotations; 22@23½c for new, and old and new rejected, mixed, 24c for new mixed in store; and 29c for old river mixed afloat – Oats were dull and easier, with limited sales at 25@25½c for No. 1 in store.  Rye was quiet and unchanged, with sales at 44@45c for No. 1 in store.  Barley was dull, with light sales @ 35@45c, as to quality.  Highwines were in good demand, and firm, with sales at 20c.  Mess Pork dull and unchanged.  Bulk Meats quiet.  Lard easier and less active, with sales at 7½c for prime country kettle leaf.  Lake freights easier and more active, with charters at 6c for corn and 6½ for wheat to Buffalo, and 10@10½c for corn and wheat to Oswego.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 24, 1862, p. 3

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