
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Daniel Mack Davis

Was born in Van Buren County, Iowa, August 26, 1848. His occupations in life have been various; has been a printer, engaged in agricultural pursuits, then merchandizing; an orchardist when he first came to California after the war, and is at present in the hardware business in San Jose. He enlisted in Company E, 15th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, in January, 1865, the regiment belonging to the 17th Army Corps. On account of his youth, being but sixteen years of age, and his delicate constitution, he was appointed regimental postmaster, and assigned to duty at regimental headquarters. He was honorably discharged from the service in August, 1865; is a member of John A. Dix Post, G. A. R., at San Jose, Cal., where he resides.

SOURCE: William H. Ward, Records Of Members Of The Grand Army Of The Republic, With A Complete Account Of The Twentieth National Encampment, p. 160

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