
Monday, April 11, 2011

From St. Louis

From St. Louis

ST. LOUIS, Feb. 19.

Accounts from every camp in the State represent the joy of our troops over the Donelson victory unbounded.  At Pilot Knob a salute was fired, and last evening the officers of Col. Carlin’s 38th Ills. gave a ball in honor of the event.

A little rebel outbreak took place yesterday morning twelve miles from Jefferson City.  Two companies of rebels organized near Stonington to join Price’s army.  Before leaving they revenged themselves on some loyal citizens by killing two and wounding five more.  Gen. Pope has dispatched two companies of cavalry after them, and their capture is almost certain.

Professor Swallow, State Geologist, residing at Columbia, Boone Co., was arrested to-day for disloyalty.

The reported burning of the bridge on the Memphis and Charleston R. R., at Decatur, Ala., by Union sympathizers, is not believed at headquarters.

Ten steamboats are advertised to leave for Paducah.  They carry troops up the Tennessee river.

Gen. Halleck has issued an order thanking Gen. Hunter, now in Kansas, for the energy displayed in organizing troops in this department prior to his (Halleck’s) arrival, by whose aid our arms were partially enabled to triumph at Ft. Donelson.  The meaning of this order, which takes the form of a telegraphic dispatch to Gen. Hunter, is by no means clear.

Gen. Halleck has also issued a spirited order congratulating our troops on their recent success, and encouraging them to look for future victories at times and places already selected.

On Change yesterday and to-day there has been a decided advance in every thing needed at the South, in anticipation of early permission to trade with Tennessee.  It is noticed that whiskey advanced considerably.

More arrests for disloyalty are constantly occurring.

Seventeen rebel prisoners not being guilty of a violation of the rules of war, were released to-day on giving bonds and subscribing to the oath.

Deputy provost marshal Thomas C. Fell proceeded to Alton this P. M. by Gen. Halleck’s order, to release a large number of prisoners from the penitentiary on parole, mostly those who have never borne arms.  Where bonds are given, secessionists are invariably preferred to Union men, as in cases of default no compunctions will be felt in seizing rebel property.

The 42d Illinois regiment went down the river last night on the War Eagle.  The Edward Walsh also carried fourteen hundred troops, and an immense quantity of baggage.

Brig. Gen. Pope and staff proceeded south immediately on the steamer Northerner, which boat also carries a regiment from St. Charles.

Constable’s Ohio Battery, and two batteries of the 1st Missouri Artillery are en route for the Cumberland river; likewise the Henry Chonteau steamer is loading with the baggage of the 24th Indiana regiment.

The shipment of pig lead from this point, without a permit, is prohibited.

Another company of nurses have left here for Cairo and vicinity, to attend the wounded from Fort Donelson.

The Provost Marshal has ordered all business to be suspended on the 22d inst.   Extensive preparations are progressing for a magnificent celebration.

The Sanitary Commission are preparing hospitals for a large accession of wounded patriots.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, February 21, 1862, p. 1

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