
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Latest From Fort Donelson

FORT DONELSON, Tuesday night,
VIA CAIRO, Feb. 20.

The number of field pieces taken in the Union victory here, is much larger than heretofore telegraphed.  We have at least seventy guns, among them are bronze and iron rifled pieces of English manufacture.  Taylor’s battery captured a beautiful rifled piece, an imitation of the Parrott made in England and 2 bronze rifled pieces.

The prisoners will amount to full fifteen thousand, all contrary assertions notwithstanding.

The small arms captured amount to twenty thousand.

So far as I can ascertain our loss is:

49th Ills. – Killed and wounded, 40.
Taylor’s Battery – I killed, 4 wounded.
18th Ills. – 45 killed, about 60 wounded.
17th Ills. 4 killed, 70 wounded.
12th Iowa – 3 killed, 24 wounded.
58th Ohio – 3 wounded.
14th Iowa – 6 killed 50 wounded.
2d Iowa – 48 killed, 150 wounded.
9th Ills. – 35 killed, 160 wounded.
41st Ills. – 17 killed, 130 wounded.
20th Ills. – 21 killed 118 wounded.
30th Ills, 19 killed, 71 wounded.
8th Ills. – 56 killed, 196 wounded.
31st Ills. – 40 killed 200 wounded.
12th Ills. – 35 killed, 109 wounded.

It is utterly impossible as yet to make out anything like a full list of the names of the killed and wounded.  I will send them as soon as they can be made out by the officers.

The number of the rebels killed is, at the least calculation, 800, and their wounded is more than double that number.

Other important movements are now on foot in this region.  Keep your ears open for more great news.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, February 21, 1862, p. 1

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