
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Republican Club Meeting

The adjourned semi-annual meeting of the Scott county Republican Club, for the election of its officers for the ensuing six months, was held at the Court House on Tuesday evening the 18th of February, 1862, pursuant to notice given in the Gazette and Der Demokrat.

The President, upon taking the chair, stated the object of the meeting, and propriety of keeping up, in accordance with the constitution of the club, our party organization.

The report of the Corresponding Secretary, J. W. Guiteau, and the Treasurer, Ed. Russell, on motion were received and adopted.

The sub-committee, consisting of the President, Treasurer and Secretaries, appointed by the Executive Committee of the club to conduct last fall’s campaign, presented, through, the Treasurer, a bill of Der Demokrat for $15, charged for publishing the call for last fall’s County  Republican Convention, and asked action of club upon same.  On motion of C. S. Ellis the Executive Committee were authorized, after some discussion, to pay the same if it should appear that the custom had been to pay Der Demokrat for such services.

On motion the club proceeded to the election of officers with the following result:

For President – John Collins.
For Vice-Presidents – J. H. White and Jos. Quinn.
For Treasurer – Ed. Russell
For Cor. Secretary – J. W. Guiteau.
For Recording Secretary – Earnst. Claussen.

On motion the club adjourned.

J. W. GUITEAU, Acting Rec. Sec.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, February 21, 1862, p. 1

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