
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Foreign News

PORTLAND, March 4.

The steamer Norwegian, from Liverpool on the 20th, Londonderry 21st ult. arrived this morning.

The political news possess no particular interest.

Sales of cotton for the four days were 11,000 bales.

Markets closing firmer.

Breadstuffs dull.  Provisions steady.

The Anglo Saxon from Portland arrived at Liverpool on the 20th.

GREAT BRITAIN. – Parliamentary proceedings, on the 11th were unimportant.  The bill authorizing marriage with a deceased wife’s sister was passed to a second reading in the Commons, 149 to 133.

The Morning Post has an editorial urging the removal of the prohibition in the West Indies against the efforts for obtaining colored laborers from any part of North America, and advocates the emigration of free negroes from Canada to the west Indies, to develop the cotton culture of those Islands.

It is asserted that the government has said there was confirmation of the news via America, that the Spaniards had sustained a declined defeat at the hands of the Mexicans, and that the dispatch of reinforcements is rendered necessary.

FRANCE. – It is rumored that the Prince Napoleon is dissatisfied with the terms of the address on the Roman question, and will move an amendment for more energetic language.

The bourse continued to be heavy, and on the 19th the three per cent. rents further declined nearly half per cent., closing at 69.95.  The four and a half per cent. declined one per cent., closing at 99f.

A decree is published, admitting into France, free of duty, rough and purified cast iron, old iron bars, hoops and sheet iron, steel in bars and sheets, and rolled copper, when coming from abroad and destined for re-exportation, after having been converted in French workshops into ships, machines or any other work in metal.

One other decree reduces the interest on treasury bonds to two and a half a three and a half per cent., according to the time of the falling due.

The Moniteur says the government of the Emperor has requested information at Rome respecting the pastoral letter convoking all bishops to Rome for the canonization of the martyrs, the letter having been published in France without having been previously communicated to the government.  Cardinal Antonelli replied that the invitation was simply a friendly one and not obligatory in character – only tended to give weight to the religious ceremony on this reply the French government expressed the wish that the Bishops should not leave their diocese, and must not ask permission to quit the empire except where serious diocesan interests should call them to Rome.

The application for conversation of the 4 1-2 per cent. rentes had reached £70,000,000.

LONDON MONEY MARKET. – English funds dull but steady on the 20th.

LIVERPOOL, 21. – It is reported that insurances are daily effected on ships and their cargoes to run the blockade of the Southern ports.  The highest premium paid is fifteen guineas, and the ships are entitled to select any port.  In some instances the risks to ports of easy access are as low as ten guineas.  The vessels insured are steamers of 1,500 tons.

The French Bourse is believed to be undergoing an improvement, owing to the receipt of gold from London.

The telegraph from the Red Sea to London is now open.

The iron plated frigate Warrior is ordered from Gibraltar to Portsmouth.

Advices from Manchester report goods and yarns upward, but quiet.

The Journal Espania demands a monarchy for Peru by universal suffrage.

ROME. 20th. – The Police have made many arrests.

The proclamation of the national committee has been secretly posted here.  The committee hope for early success, but counsel patience.

It is believed that Napoleon has given assurance to the Pope that the French troops will not leave Rome.

Preparations were making to celebrate the anniversary of the Capture of Gaeta.  Numerous patrols traversed the streets to prevent its taking place.

BERLIN, 20th. – The question between Prussia and Austria is continually widening.  The language of the Prussian and Austrian papers is daily more hostile.

The agitation in Germany is increasing.

Austria, by her recent conduct, had lost much of her influence in northern Germany.

PARIS, 21st. – The Temps and other French journals demonstrate that a monarchical restoration in North America will only benefit Spain, and the Spanish monarchical interest alone existing.

It is believed that the speech of Prince Napoleon on the address of the Senate will express the real policy of the Emperor on the Italian question.

The following is a summary of the news taken out by the City of New York: The Tuscarora left Gibraltar on the 15th inst. for the Spanish waters.  She had been watching the Sumter, which still remained at Gibraltar unable to procure coal.

In the House of Commons on the 17th inst., the supplementary estimates for the naval and military expeditions in the Trent affair, amounting to over £973,000, were moved and unanimously agreed to.  In the debate on the subject, Mr. Bright severely denounced the policy of the government.  He said the money had been worse than thrown away.  The threatening menaces were quite uncalled for, and gave Earl Russell’s first dispatch, which he said had more the appearance of a declaration of war than a courteous demand for a just object which America could not fail to accede to.  He refuted the idea that the American Government was influenced by a mob, and argued that the interests of England were so bound up with America that it was in every respect inadvisable to inflict a sting that it might take centuries to remove.

Mr. Baxter endorsed the tone of the government, but condemned the tone of the press.

Orders had been received at Sheerness to dismantle all gunboats prepared for commissions under the American difficulty.

The Daily News and Star publish the correspondence with Mr. Seward relative to the passage of British troops through the State of Maine.  The latter accords great praise to Mr. Seward for his course in this respect.

The reading of the address to the Emperor of France had taken place in the Senate, and debate commenced upon it on the 20th.  The address regrets the sufferings inflicted by the American civil war on trade and manufactures, but agrees with the Emperor that the friendly relations of the countries render neutrality incumbent, and believes that the quarrel will be all the shorter if not complicated by foreign influence.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, March 5, 1862, p. 1

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