
Sunday, June 19, 2011

From St. Louis

ST. LOUIS, March 4.

Gen. Halleck in a general order says – On the recommendation of the Governor and several Judges of the State, it is directed that all licensed attorneys, counselors, and proctors, be required to take the oath of allegiance prescribed in the sixth section of the ordinance of the State Convention, passed Oct. 16th, 1861.  Judges of State courts will refuse to permit any one to practice in their courts who refuse or neglect to take such oath.

The board of assessment in the city of St. Louis for the benefit of suffering families driven from Southwest Missouri, having completed its labors and rendered its final report, is hereby dissolved.

A special to the Republican from Cairo the 3d, says that Columbus has been evacuated and burned by the rebels.  The gunboat Benton, with Gen. Cullum and Com. Foote, went down the river to-day on a reconnoisance, and found that the rebels had fled, having removed their guns and laid the town in ashes; everything destroyed that could not be carried away.  The rebels retreated to Fort Randolph.  The whole town of Columbus is nothing but ruins.  The guns have also been removed from the island below.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, March 5, 1862, p. 1

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