
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Additional Foreign News

The unemployed laborers in Liverpool were making demonstrations, but had been peaceably dispersed by the police.

The Opinione Nationale says that a re-actionary movement is being prepared in Southern Italy for next spring.  Re-actionary bands are now being organized at Trieste, Malta and Rome.  They will disembark simultaneously at several points on the Neapolitan territory.

TRIESTE, Feb. 27. – The Garrison at Tripolitz, following the example of the garrison at Nauppa, has revolted.  It is believed that the insurrectionists at Nauppa will hold out.

Many Greeks now staying at Geneva, Leghorn and Ancona, are preparing to turn to Greece.  The number of insurgents will soon be considerably increased.  The insurrection is considered important, as it might influence a new state of things in Turkey.

The iron frigate Warrior has arrived at Plymouth.  It is reported that she steers well, and has no leakage.

The Herald asserts that Sir Robert Peel and Hon. Wm. Cowper were about exchanging offices.

LONDON, Feb. 28. – The Paris correspondent of the Times says that the excitement consequent upon [Prince] Napoleon’s speech is increasing.

Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, March 13, 1862, p. 2

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