
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Colvin's Independent Battery Light Artillery

Organized October 6, 1863, from men detached from 107th Illinois Infantry, 33rd Kentucky Infantry and 22nd Indiana Battery. Attached to 4th Brigade, 4th Division, 23rd Army Corps, Dept. of Ohio, to November, 1863. 2nd Division, Cavalry Corps, Dept. of Ohio, to April, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, 23rd Army Corps, to February, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, District of East Tennessee, Dept. of the Cumberland, to March, 1865.

SERVICE.--Knoxville Campaign November 4-December 23, 1863. Near Maynardsville December 1. Walker's Ford December 2. Mossy Creek, Talbot Station, December 29. Operations about Dandridge January 16-17, 1864. Kimbrough's Cross Roads January 16. Dandridge January 17. Operations about Dandridge January 26-28. Near Fair Garden January 27. Garrison duty at Knoxville, Tenn., till March, 1865. Operations against Wheeler's Raid in East Tennessee August 15-25, 1864. Strawberry Plains August 24. Battery transferred to 1st Illinois Light Artillery as Battery "K" March 23, 1865, which see.

Battery lost during service 14 by disease.

SOURCE: Frederick H. Dyer, A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, p. 1045

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