
Friday, September 23, 2011

From Our Army In Arkansas

Correspondence of the Missouri Democrat.

CROSS TIMBERS, Ark., March 20.

Supplies, forage and provisions having become exhausted in the region about Sugar Creek, the army made a retrograde march thirteen miles yesterday to this place.  The enemy are recuperating, and are probably being reinforced.  We have information that a large body recrossed Boston Mountains with the intention of attacking us again; but this may be only a strong reconnoitering party.  Our troops are in fine spirits and anxious to grapple with the foe.

The wounded have mostly been removed to Cassville, and are doing well.

Colonel Clay Taylor arrived from the rebel camp, bringing Lieut. Cols. Herron and Chandler with proposals for an exchange of two rebel captains and seventeen privates, captured yesterday on Indian Creek.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, March 27, 1862, p. 1

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