
Saturday, September 24, 2011

From Washington


Times’ Correspondence.

It appears that Secretary Stanton, late on Monday night, concluded to forego his purpose to order the arrest of the editors of certain New York and Boston papers.

Advices from Fortress Monroe are quite conclusive that the Merrimac is out of the dry docks, and prepare[d] to run out when she chooses.  The Monitor is on hand.

Herald’s Dispatch.

The main body of the rebel army can not be very far distant, as it is known that scouting parties have been discovered within the past 24 hours but a short distance from Manassas Junction.  Appearances indicate that the enemy are strongly fortified behind the line of the Rappahannock.

Several State prisoners were released to-day on taking the oath of allegiance.

Gen. McDowell’s corps was reviewed to-day by McClellan.

Committee on foreign relations in the Senate reported a bill to-day.  The radicals generally voted against taxing slaves.

Gen. Blenker was to-day restored to his position.  This is a victory over Schurz who desired his place.

The tax bill was amended to-day by placing a license on dentists of ten dollars per year.

The circulation of the National Republican and the Tribune has been forbidden among the troops of the army of the Potomac, on the ground that the articles against McClellan are calculated to incite insurrectionary spirit.

Commanding officers of the various companies issued an official order to-day, that no boats will be allowed to visit Mount Vernon.

The Committees on Naval Affairs determined to-day to report a bill for the construction of iron clad steamers.

The City Council has made an earnest remonstrance against the abolition of slavery in the District.

The victory of Winchester turns out to be one of the most brilliant of the war.

A paper has been circulated and signed by nearly all the Democratic members of Congress, and by Senator Carlisle, having in view the rallying of the Democratic party, and a convention in this city at an early day to give direction to its future movements.

The commission appointed by Gen. Wool to inquire into the condition of vagrants or contrabands, say in their official report, that they started with the general proposition that the military power had not only the right, but it is among its highest duties to avail itself of any and all means within its control, to perfect its discipline, render its position secure, or make it effective for an advance against an enemy; and for these ends it has the right to compel service or use from anything, animate or inanimate, which a military necessity may demand.  At the same time they consider that necessity is the only proper measure by which this, however can be exercised, the Number of Contrabands is given as 1,508, thus distributed; at Fort Monroe 691; at Camp Hamilton 743; at Camp Butler and Newport News 74.  Little inclination is manifested by them to go North.  Comparatively few contrabands come to our camp.  The navy is decidedly popular with them; they are treated as boys, and receive $10 per month.

The commissioners point out various abuses, and suggest remedies.

It further appears from the report, that Gen. Wool has issued an order, that hereafter all wages earned by them will be paid the contrabands for their own use and support under such regulations as may be deemed proper.

Representative Steele, of New Jersey, one of the members of Government contract investigation committee, returned to-day from Cairo wither he was accompanied by a colleague of the committee, Mr. Washburn.  Their business was to look into the quartermaster and other departments. – The discoveries and suggestions of this committee have been the means of saving large amounts of money to the Government.

Petitions in favor of a general uniform bankrupt law are received.

Until further orders no boats or vessels will be allowed to visit Mount Vernon.

Herald’s Dispatch.

Gen. Sumner has issued an important order prohibiting acts of marauding.  He assures the people of Virginia that their only safety is in the general government, and that it will be his constant endeavor to protect them in their persons and property to the extent of his power.  The General has also determined to accept no resignations in his corps during the campaign.

The House having addressed an inquiry to the Secretary of War, regarding purchases of vessels for carrying water, be responded to-day be enclosing a letter from Assistant Secretary Tucker, explaining these purchases.

Frequent applications are made as to the disposal of public lands in the territory of Nevada, but as the land districts have not yet been organized, there is no species of claims that can now be located.  There seems to be no doubt that those who at present occupy land will be secured in their location by future legislation.

A Democratic conference was held last night, continuing till a late hour.  The call was signed by all, excepting four or five of the members of congress who were elected as Democrats.  Representative Corning presided, and Pendleton and Shiel acted as secretaries.

In injunction was placed on all present not to reveal the proceedings.  It is, however, ascertained from private conversation to-day that the conference was principally confined to the consideration of the resolutions reported from a committee of which Mr. Vallandigham was chairman, declaring in substance, that the restoration of the Union and the maintenance of the Constitution would require that the organization and principles of the Democratic party, of the U. S., should be fully and faithfully adhered to, and inviting citizens, without distinction of section or party, to co-operate with the Democrats in support of the constitution and restoring the old Union.  A committee, one from each State, represented by a Democrat either in the Senate or House, was appointed to report at a further conference.  The names of the members are not yet known.

It is understood that several members from the border slave States were present and participated in the proceedings.  The entire number present at the meeting was about forty.  The proceedings are represented as having been harmonious.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, March 27, 1862, p. 1

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