
Friday, October 7, 2011

Adjutant General's Office

Of the State of Iowa,
DES MOINES, March 24, 1862.


Capt. W. A. W. Galt, of the Ad. Hine steamer has made arrangements with this department to convey all sick, wounded or disabled, furloughed and discharged soldiers at one half fare.  When it is considered that the fare includes subsistence, this is a very generous arrangement.

It is hoped this department will soon be able to report further arrangements with other steamboat lines for the conveyance of soldiers at reduced rates.

In order to prevent imposition on officers of steamboats, who may be disposed to make as liberal arrangements as that above named, and in order that solders may receive the benefits of the same, officers are requested, in granting furloughs or discharges, to note the cause of furlough or discharge at the bottom thereof, and sign the same, as those arrangements are made for the benefit of the soldiers.  The State has no pecuniary interest in the matter.  The soldiers of the classes referred to pay their own fare.

Soldiers should present their furloughs or discharges for examination at the offices of Clerks of steamboats in order to procure tickets at the reduced rates.

Adjt. Genl. Of Iowa.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday Morning, March 29, 1862, p. 1

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