
Friday, October 7, 2011

Scott County Men At Pea Ridge

Four Davenporter’s in Capt. Ahledfeldt’s company 12th Missouri Infantry, were wounded at the battle of Pea Ridge, as follows:

Lieut. Robert Henne, left leg amputated.
Sergeant Cains Rohwer, formerly of Co. G, Iowa 1st, wounded in leg.
Sergeant Petter Suebking, in thigh.
Sergeant Eugene Ausborn, in arm.

Among those recruited by Dr. Raub for the First Missouri Flying Artillery, Hans Brandt and Edward Moeller were wounded, the former seriously.  Lorinz Fischer, Chas. Thoeming, Dominic Hufner and Claus Pahl, are missing.

In addition to the above, private S. D. Hedges of Capt. Curtis’s Rock Island company, was very badly wounded in the thigh, and was in critical condition, owing to inflammation of the wounded part when Capt. Curtis left the army.  The Captain speaks of him as one of his best and most reliable men.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday Morning, March 29, 1862, p. 1

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