
Saturday, October 1, 2011

From Norfolk and Vicinity

BALTIMORE, March 26.

A Fort Monroe correspondent, of a Baltimore paper, gives a report of two contrabands, relative to the condition of the Merrimac.  She returned to Norfolk with six feet of water in here.  Six steamers towed her up and it was feared at first she would go down before pumps could be rigged on board.  Her fires were extinguished shortly after hauling off from the Monitor. – These contrabands positively assert the death of Buchanan and that of the Lieut. In command on Sunday, and 7 seamen and a number of wounded.  They positively assert the death and burial of both.  Possibly Lieut. Miner, her second officer and not Jones, is meant.

The Monitor stands out in the Roads this side of Sewall’s Point, with steam up, and ready for action.  The greatest confidence is felt in the result.  She is in fine condition.

It is rumored that Yorktown, or a considerable portion of it, is burned.  A large fire was visible in that direction Sunday night.

A large fire was also seen to-day in the neighborhood of New Market Bridge, which appeared to be quite extensive.

The Cambridge reports the Nashville, loaded with a valuable cargo of cotton and naval stores, to have run the blockade last Wednesday night, which was dark, with her lights extinguished.  She was abreast of the Cambridge before she was discovered.

On Sunday the Chippewa, a faster steamer, arrived to take the place of the Cambridge.

Fort Macon and Beaufort are still in possession of the rebels.

On Sunday night the Sawyer gun at the Rip-Raps made some capital shots at Sewall’s Point.

On Tuesday morning one shell filled with the new rebel fire exploded in the midst of the rebel parade ground, and is believed to have done considerable damage.

The rebels fired at the Rip Raps, but the ball fell short about fifty yards.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, March 28, 1862, p. 1

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