
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Jason Brown Dies At 90

Akron, O., Dec. 25, 1912. — Jason Brown, ninety years of age, second son of John Brown, famous as the leader of the raid on Harper's Ferry, West Virginia, at the outbreak of the civil war, died here last night.

He was actively engaged in recruiting and enlisting a company of negroes from among those smuggled into Canada by the "underground railroad," when the Harper's Ferry incident occurred. A younger brother, Salmon Brown, lives at Portland, Ore.

Jason Brown, while in personal appearance one of the mildest of men, was a man of most determined courage. At one time a mob of 500 Missourians, made all preparations to hang him. He defied them, and at the last moment was rescued by a company of U. S. troops. Two of his brothers were killed at Harper's Ferry. Another, John Brown, Jr., died some years ago at Putin-Bay, Ohio.

Jason Brown was born in Hudson, Summit Co., Ohio, January 19, 1823. He married Ellen Sherbondy, who died in 1895. Their children were Austin, Frank and Charles P. Charles P. Brown is the sole survivor, and is now living in Akron, Ohio.


SOURCE: The National Americana Society, Americana, Volume 8, Part 1, p. 196

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