
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Local Matters

For market reports and interesting matter, see fourth page.

PERSONS wishing a nice suit of Clothing made to order must call on R. Krause; he has a first rate Cutter, and a splendid stock of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings.

STARK has received about forty barrels of superb apples, giving him the largest stock in town of that inestimable fruit, and good apples at that.

NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. – We refer to the advertisement of Mr. L. S. Ordway, in to-day’s paper.  He has just opened out at No. 26, Le Claire row, a large and select stock of boots and shoes, together with every article pertaining to that line of business, which he offers at unusually low prices, both at wholesale and retail.  Those wishing anything in this line should give him a call.

THE ONE HORSE GROCERY is new and unpretending cognomen of the establishment lately occupied by George Wilson, Brady st., above Fourth; but judging from the vigorous and pushing way of doing things manifested by its proprietors, they don’t mean to do a very unpretending business.  Success to them and all their energetic ‘one-horse” concerns.

“ALL FOOLS DAY.” – Without entering into any disquisition on the origination of the silly custom of “fooling” or deceiving people, to which the annual recurrence of the first day of April seems to give legitimacy, we may remind our fellow citizens of the custom, that they may not expose themselves to laughter to-day by picking up nicely enveloped packages lying around loose on the sidewalks.

ASSAULT. – Detlef Blank appeared before Justice Claussen Sunday morning, and made complaint against John Johnston, mate of the Fred Lorenz, for knocking down.  The Justice issued a warrant, and Deputy Sheriff Anderson arrested the accused, who got loose twice, but was retaken both times.  He was immediately taken before Justice Claussen, where he pled guilty and was fined $5 and costs, amounting to $8.70, which he paid. – Johnson was then charged with resisting the officer and was bound over in the sum of $200 to appear at the next term of the District Court.

THE CANINES. – To-day the owners of dogs and the dogs themselves will remember, is the time assigned for the opening of war against that interesting species of quadruped, and the city authorities seem to be in earnest this time.  So get your muzzles, dog fanciers, before the prices get to be too high, or your animals too low; these are war times, and the sight of the dying agonies of the canines isn’t going to interfere with the execution of stern and even-handed justice on the miscreant quadrupeds who may undertake to set the authorities at defiance.

GAS REGULATORS. – We are all interested in anything that is calculated to economize in the necessaries of life, and of these necessaries artificial light is not the least.  Of the agencies for supplying this need, coal-gas is the most popular – being the cleanest and causing the least trouble; but its expense in this city makes it a decided luxury to our citizens, and keeps many from using it.  To remedy to some extend this state of affairs, the western agent of Leffingwell & Co.’s Patent Gas-Saving Governors calls attention through our advertising columns, to that invention, which is claimed to be a great economizer in gas bills, while it works no injury to the pipes.  The machine has some strong recommendations from Eastern and Western cities and is worthy of examination by all interested in having good and cheap light.

A BANKRUPT LAW. – During the past week petitions have been circulated throughout the country, asking the passage by Congress of the “General Bankrupt Act,” prepared by the merchants and backers of the city of New York.  The ones circulated in this city by Mr. Guilson, has been shown us.  He has procured the signatures of about 700 of our citizens, and a fair proportion of whom are our best business men.  If the law proposed is, as it is said to be, drafted so as to protect the interests of creditors, as well as to relieve honest but unfortunate debtors, and secure safety to the public, we think its passage at this session of Congress very desirable, as an indispensable measure of relief in view of our existing national troubles. – We understand that the law was prepared by New York city attorneys whose clients are the creditors of the country to the extent of several millions of dollars, and that its provisions are very stringent, and afford every opportunity to discover whether the debtor is really insolvent, and has made a full and complete showing of his liabilities and assets, and providing for voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy.  Only such a law would meet the wishers of our citizens who have signed the petition circulated here; and we believe a great majority of business men and citizens generally are in favor of the passage by Congress, at an early day, of a Bankrupt Law that shall be permanent in its character and above provisions shall really afford relief to the honest and unfortunate debtor, and give to creditors an opportunity to scrutinizingly examine into the affairs and condition of those proposing to take advantage of its provisions.

ATTEMPTED JAIL DELIVERY. – Sunday afternoon, when Mr. Ackley went into the jail for the purpose of locking up for the night, he discovered that his prisoners had been at work anticipating the court in the matter of jail delivery.  They had got off the iron bar that separates the two doors of one of the cells on the first floor, and broken it in three pieces, which they heated at the stove and burned away a portion of the frame of the window in the northwest corner of the jail, and also broke away a considerable portion of the masonry adjoining.  An hour or two more would have let them out into the street.  Mr. Ackley immediately secured the fellows, and placed them in irons.  There were four of them engaged in the affair: Robert Moore, who was arrested last august for robbing Hoering’s saloon; Cornel Fishcer, sentenced to the penitentiary at the last court; John Mulligan and John Ryan, both of whose terms are nearly out.  The amount of damage will cost about $50.  Mr. Ackley had heard the noise and went into the prison an hour earlier than usual, and fortunately, too, as we have shown.  This is the fifth attempt to escape since Mr. Ackley came into office, all of which efforts have been unsuccessful except about a year ago.  He is quite confident, however, that another successful effort won’t come off in his jurisdiction very soon.

SUNDAY SCHOOL CONCERT. – The children of the Union Mission Sabbath School at East Davenport had a very interesting meeting last Sunday afternoon.  The school house, where the meetings are held, was well filled by children and spectators.  Addresses were made by Messrs. L. S. Viele, Wm. Gray, and I. N. Butterfield, interspersed with excellent singing under the leadership of Mr. C. K. Kent.  The exercises were handsomely wound up by the presentation of an elegant copy of the Bible to Mr. Kent by the children of the school, Master George Squires presenting the Bible, which he did in a very neat speech, which was appropriately responded to by Mr. Kent.  That gentleman has given his services at the school, teaching the children to sing, and this occasion was improved by them to show that they appreciated his efforts.  At the close he donated $10 for the purpose of furnishing Bibles to those destitute of it.  The exercises were well conducted under the management of Mr. W. L. Carroll, the superintendent.

PRAYER. -  The following prayer has been issued by Bishop Henry W. Lee, in compliance with the expressed desire of brethren in the dioceses he represents:

            O most mighty God and merciful Father, who rulest in the armies of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth; we commend to Thy watchful care and sure protection all those Thy servants who have gone forth in defence of the supreme authority of the land, and for whose preservation amid the perils of war we offer up our earnest prayers unto The Divine Majesty.  Guard them, we beseech Thee, from the dangers which beset their way, from sickness, from the violence of enemies, and from every evil to which they may be exposed.  Let Thy fatherly hand be over them; let Thy Holy Spirit be with them; let Thy good angels have charge of them; and in Thy kind Providence may they return to their homes in peace and safety, with a grateful sense of Thy mercy.  May they realize that in the midst of life they are in death, and may they be ready, by Thy grace, for a sudden call into the presence of their Judge.  Have pity, O Lord, upon those who are suffering from the calamities of battle, and grant them Thy heavenly consolations.  Assuage their distresses, heal their wounds, and in Thy good time restore them to health, and enable them to show forth Thy praises in a life of devotion to Thy service.  Or else so fit and prepare them against the hour of death, that after their departure hence in peace, and in Thy favor, their souls may be receive into Thine everlasting kingdom.  Have mercy O Lord, upon all prisoners of war, and give them a happy deliverance.  Regard with tender compassion all who are afflicted and bereaved by the loss of those who have fallen in the service of their country, and sanctify to them all their sorrows.  And, finally we beseech Thee, O Lord, to hasten the time when unity, peace and concord shall prevail throughout our borders, when wars shall cease in all the earth, when all the nations shall rejoice in Thy salvation, and when there shall be none to hurt our destroy in all Thy holy mountain; through Jesus Christ our only Savior and redeemer.  AMEN.

INCORPORATION ACT AND LAWS of the Consolidated Ditch Company, of Colorado Territory, Together with the Secretary’s Report for 1861.

CATALOGUE, Iowa College.  1861-62.  Grinnell, Iowa

PREMIUM LIST, and Regulations of the Ninth Annual Fair of the Scott County Agricultural Society. – Open to the World.  To be held at Davenport, Iowa, September 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26, 1862

The above titles of pamphlets published at the GAZETTE Steam Job Printing Office, which we find on our table as the work of our accomplished foreman, Mr. Fred. Koops, during the last fortnight.  We invite attention to the execution of these pamphlets, and ask the patronage of our fellow citizens in this line of our business, as we are satisfied there is no need of them ever sending such work abroad when it can be done so neatly and cheaply at home.

THE FEDERAL TAX of two mills on the dollar, as has been announced, is now due, and must be paid before the first day of June.  From that day interest accumulates, as on other delinquent taxes, at the rate of one per cent. a month.  In cases where all other taxes on any premises were paid prior to the receipt by the County Treasurer of notification of the levying of this tax, no sale of the property will take place till the delinquent tax sale of 1863; otherwise, the property will be sold next fall.  The total amount to be raised from out county for this tax is $11,200, which with the regular levy, now past due, of $44,800, makes a total of $56,000, which is $892.40 less than the tax of 1861.

THE SALE of Government horses was finished yesterday.  Twenty-five were disposed of, yielding the sum of $1,525 – an average of $61.  The total number of horses sold is 145; the aggregate proceeds are $9,087 – an average of about $62.  This is doing very well when we remember how they have sold in other places.  Perhaps a good portion of this success is attributable to the auctioneer – Mr. Thomas Orr, and Government seems to have been fortunate in securing his services.  He certainly has done well by Uncle Sam, and we only wish that our venerable Uncle will always be as lucky in securing suitable public servants.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, April 1, 1862, p. 1

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