
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Republican Ward Meetings

The meetings for nominating candidates for Aldermen were held in the 1st, 4th, 5th & 6th wards last evening.  We had not heard from the 1st and 6th at the time of going to press.  Below we give what proceedings we have:


Hiram Price was chosen chairman, and J. C. Todd and L. C. Burwell, secretaries.  Dr. G. W. McCarn, Israel Hall, and John N. Rogers were placed in nomination for Aldermen.  The ballot resulted, McCarn, 18; Hall, 14; Rogers, 1; P. J. Gillett, 1.  Dr. McCarn was declared the nominee.

The Chair appointed Charles H. Eldridge, John Collins, Wm. Mack, W. B. Kerns, and John Hornby as ward committee for the ensuing year.

Mr. J. C. Todd was chosen secretary of the ward for the ensuing year.


On motion A. Sanders was called to the Chair and A. Morton appointed Secretary.  Dr. J. J. Tomson was nominated by acclamation as the republican candidate for Alderman for the 5th Ward.

O. W. Skinner, Esq., was elected Secretary to represent the ward in executive committee of the Scott County Republican Club.

The following ward committee was appointed for the ensuing year: Wm. Burris, W. Hender and A. Morton.  Adjourned.

A. MORTON, Secy.

Since the above was in type we learn the First Ward nominated Barton Glaspell.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, April 1, 1862, p. 1

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