
Friday, November 4, 2011

Democratic City Convention

A number of Democrats assembled at the court house yesterday afternoon for the purpose of nominating a candidate for city officers.  The meeting being a delegate convention, Mr. H. V. Gildea was chosen chairman, and Mr. D. N. Richardson, secretary.  A committee on credentials was appointed, when it being ascertained that nobody present had any such documents about him, the meeting was forthwith converted into a mass meeting.

A motion was made to appoint a committee of five to propose candidates.  Jim Caldwell wanted a committee of six appointed to report when they got ready.  Somebody thought they might not report till after election, when Jim said he wanted good Democrats appointed, men whose Democracy had never been questioned – life long Democrats!  After some further discussion, in which a number of the faithful tried to find out the object of the movement, and one young man in particular, who thinks he can beat Mittlebuscher easily, being particularly anxious in the matter, the motion was amended by requiring a report on Friday afternoon, carried by a dozen ayes against one or two noes. – Messrs. D. N. Richardson, J. Cunningham, Wm. Dalzell, T. Russell, R. D. Congdon, J. B. Caldwell, W. W. Parker, J. Cunningham, R. D. Congdon [sic], were appointed on said committee.  D. Kennedy, Pat. McGuire, and B. Heinze were made the city committee for the next year.  The meeting then adjourned till Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock, not any the wiser as to whom they would have the honor of supporting next Saturday.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, April 3, 1862, p. 1

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