
Monday, January 2, 2012

Beaufort, N. C., occupied

NEW YORK, April 10.

A letter to the Times, from Beaufort N. C., 31st, says a detachment from General Parker’s brigade, consisting of the R. I. 4th and Conn. 8th, crossed to Beaufort on Tuesday night.  In the day time their passage would have been disputed by the fort. – They landed in the town without opposition, or without finding so much as a guard to challenge their approach.  In the morning the citizens found their houses well guarded by Union troops, and the town in their possession.  The visit, however, was by no means ill taken, the head men came out and met Maj. Allen, and tendered to him and his troops the freedom of the city.

They were invited to their houses, and every evidence of good will was exhibited by the people towards the new comers.  On the whole their reception was courteous and gratifying.  They declared they had never given their adhesion to the rebel government and were good Union men.  Large numbers have daily come to the Mayor’s headquarters to take the oath of allegiance.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, April 11, 1862, p. 2

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