
Monday, January 2, 2012

ST. LOUIS, April 9 [1862].

Gen. Pope’s official report says that the canal cut across the Peninsula at New Madrid, through which four steamers and barges were taken, is 12 miles long, six miles of which were through heavy timber, which had been sawed off by hand several feet under water.  The idea of this great and laborious undertaking originated with Gen. Schuyler Hamilton, and the work performed by Col. Bissell, engineer Missouri regiment.

Gen. Halleck and a portion of his staff left for Tennessee river this p. m., and will assume command in the field.

The Democrat’s special states that the rebels were pursued by 8,000 of our cavalry.  A rebel prisoner states that Gen. Beauregard made a speech to his troops before entering upon the fight, saying that he would water his horse in the Tennessee river or in h-ll; that the fight before them was h-ll unless successful.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, April 11, 1862, p. 2

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