
Monday, January 2, 2012

Help for the Wounded


A boat has been commissioned to take physicians, nurses and stores to the scene of the battle in Tennessee.  A meeting at the Chamber of Commerce was held and a committee of five appointed to take subscription to buy food and other necessaries for the wounded, and a large amount was raised in an hour.  Capt. Dickson is authorized to pay for the boat.  The committee appointed by the Chamber of Com. will go to Columbus to-night to urge the Legislature to make an appropriation to charter other boats and procure necessary supplies.  It is probably that three or four boats will leave here this week for Tennessee.  A large number of nurses have offered their services.


There was a large meeting of citizens, the Mayor presiding, to make arrangements for taking care of the wounded from Corinth.  $2,500 was contributed and any further amount desired offered.  The steamer Commercial left for the Tennessee river tonight with medical and other supplies.  The steamer Diligent will leave to-morrow with nurses and supplies.  Any amount of hospital accommodations in this city were offered.

BOSTON, April 9.

Gov. Andrews [sic] telegraphed to headquarters to-day, tendering the services, without compensation, of any number of Massachusetts surgeons ready to go West and aid the wounded.


A special train with surgeons, hospital stores and supplies for the wounded at Pittsburg Landing. Leaves here to-night.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, April 11, 1862, p. 2

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