
Thursday, January 26, 2012


In this city on the 23d inst., of consumption. Mrs. [AUGUSTA] P. WILLEY, wife of Rev. A. F. Willey, Pastor of the First Baptist Church of this city.

During the few short months that Mrs. Willey had resided here, she had become endeared to a large circle of Christian friends; and in her death, as in her life, gave ample evidence of her living faith in Jesus, and the reality of the religion she professed.

Her remains were taken for interment, to Elgin, Ill., her early home, where her influence for holiness and truth has been and long will continue to be felt – where

“She sleeps in Jesus and is blest.”

On Wednesday the 28th inst., EDEARD BARTLETT, [son] of Fitz Henry and Sophia [H]. Warren, aged 14 years and 5 months.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 31, 1862, p. 2

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