
Thursday, January 26, 2012

How Contrabands Trust In Providence.

Lee’s contrabands met on the street after old master and missus had run off, and the following dialogue ensued:

“Well, sam, does yer ting the niggers ka shiff of themselves ad’ de Lod will take care ob us?”

Samson – “”lor’ bress you, Sam de Lod don’t mind de niggers no who; but don’t de good book say de lord take care of de sparrow, what ain’t worth mor’n a farthing?”

Sam – “Yes, I guess it do, but – “

Samson – “Well den, if de good master take care ob de sparrow, what’s only worth a farthing, I guess he takes care ob a nigger with $1200, sartin.”

Sam – “Dat’s so, Samson, didn’t tink ab dat scripter; guess you’ll made a good preacher, come let us travel on the strength of dat tex.”

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 31, 1862, p. 2

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