
Friday, February 10, 2012

A Court In Custody

The Uniontown (Ky.) News of the 17th instant, says:

On last Tuesday a strong party of Federal cavalry arrived at Marion, Crittenden county, where Judge Fowler was holding Circuit Court and the officer in command demanded that the Judge and members of the bar present should take an oath to be administered by him.  On learning the nature of the oath the judge stated that it was unconstitutional, and he could not take it.  The attorneys present also declined for the same reason.  Among the lawyers so refusing were Messrs. Hiram E. Elroy, Benjamin P. Cissel and Daniel Hughes of Morganfield and Messrs. Bunch and Vance, of Henderson.  On their refusal they were all arrested and required to give bond in $10,000 each to be present in Paducah in a few days to attend the U. S. Court, to answer for their offense.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 31, 1862, p. 3

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