
Friday, February 10, 2012

MT. PLEASANT, Iowa, May 28, 1862.

Editor Hawk-Eye

The Philomathian Literary Society of the Iowa Wesleyan University respectfully ask the publication of the following resolutions, passed at a meeting held in honor of a late deceased member:

WHEREAS, in providence of an all wise God our Friend and Brother Lieut. R. W. HAMILTON formerly a fellow student and member of our literary association, a private in the First Iowa Regiment of Infantry wounded at the battle of Wilson’s Creek and since a Lieutenant in the 15th Iowa Regiment has fallen in the bloody contest between the Union and Confederate forces at Pittsburgh Landing while bravely defending our country against the attack of a traitorous enemy therefore,

Resolved, That while we acknowledge a Divine Providence ruling all things and the justice of the noble cause in which he was ardently engaged we cannot suppress a deep but resigned sorrow, we lament the loss to society of one so highly esteemed – to ourselves of one whom we shall ever remember as a friend and bother.

Resolved, That we do earnestly sympathize with the friends and relatives of the deceased in this their irreparable loss.

Resolved, That our Hall be decked in mourning for thirty days.

Resolved, That these resolutions be published in the Burlington Hawk-Eye, The Osceola Republican, and that a copy of the same be furnished to the friends of the deceased.

Com. Philomathian Society.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 31, 1862, p. 3

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