
Thursday, February 16, 2012

General Banks’ Report

WASHINGTON, May 26 – The following was received at the War Department at 11 P. M.

WILLIAMSPORT, May 26 – 4 P. M.

To the President

I have the honor to report the safe arrival of my command at this place last evening at 10 o’clock and the passage of the 5th corps across the river to-day with comparatively little loss of men in killed, wounded and missing.  In the different contests in which my command has participated since its march from Strasburgh, on the morning of the 24th, I am unable now to report, but have the great satisfaction in being able to say, although serious our loss is much less than might have been anticipated considering the very great disparity of forces engaged and the matured plans of the enemy, which aimed at nothing less than the capture of our force.  A detailed statement will be forwarded as soon as possible.  My command encountered the enemy in a constant succession of attacks and in well contested engagements at Strasburgh, Middletown and Newton.  At a point between these places and at Winchester the force of the enemy was estimated from 10,000 to 20,000 with a strong artillery and cavalry support and my own force consisted of two brigades less than 4,000 strong all told, 150 cavalry, 10 Parrot guns, 6 smooth bores.  The substantial preservation of the entire supporting train is a source of gratification.  It numbered about 500 wagons.  On a forced march of 53 miles, 35 of which were performed in one day, subject to constant attacks in front, rear and flank, according to its position, by the enemy in full force.  The panics of teamsters and his mischances of river passage of more than 200 yards with slender preparations for fording and ferrying.  I lost not many more than fifty wagons.  Our troops are in good spirits and occupy both sides of the river.

Major General Commanding

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 31, 1862, p. 4

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