
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Illinois Responds

(General Order No. 36.)

SPRINGFIELD, May 27, 1862 – Under authority of the Secretary of War thirty companies of infantry will be accepted for Government service for the period of three months unless sooner discharged.  Said companies to consist of not less than eighty three or more than one hundred commissioned officers and enlisted men, and to be employed in performing camp and garrison duty in this State.  When any company has the minimum number actually enrolled it shall be organized and entitled to commissioned officers and when twenty companies are formed they will be organized into a regiment and an election ordered for officers.

In accepting companies for this special service preference will be given to companies already organized providing they are immediately tendered and ready for duty.  The officers and privates of these regiments will be entitled to the same pay and allowances as the three years volunteers now in the service of the Government.

Tenders in the Northern Military District of this State must be made to the undersigned at Chicago during the present week, and in the Southern District the headquarters is _____.

These forces are required for immediate service to relieve regiments now under marching orders for the field.  The greatest possible dispatch is requested in their organization.

By order of the Commander-in-Chief.


– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 31, 1862, p. 4

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