
Sunday, March 4, 2012

From Cairo

CAIRO, Feb. 18. – Gov. Yates, Lieut. Governor Wood, auditor Dubois and many prominent citizens from all parts of Illinois are here to look after the wounded Illinois soldiers from Ft. Donelson.

Gov. Morton and many prominent citizens of Indiana are also here for a like purpose on account of the gallant men of that State who participated in the battle.

A salute of fifteen guns was fired this morning by order of Brig. Gen. E. A. Paine in honor of the arrival at this place of Governor Yates, commander-in-chief of Illinois troops.  It was answered at Bird’s Point at 2 o’clock P. M.

His Excellency held a public reception at the St. Charles Hotel, and all of the officers paid their respects to the Governor.  He was received by Col. Buford and the officers of the 27th Illinois, and the officers of each regiment came up in a body lead by their several regimental bands.  Col. Beauford [sic] said they came to welcome the man who had so supplied the wants of the Illinois boys and so nobly cared for all the troops he had sent forth to avenge the wrongs and injuries of our country.

Gov. Yates responded briefly but with deep feeling, paying a handsome tribute to the memory of the fallen at Fort Donelson, and congratulating their brethren in arms for the achievement of this late victory of our arms over a traitor foe.

About 7,000 of the rebel prisoners from Fort Donelson have arrived here and departed up the Mississippi river to be disposed of by Gen. Halleck.  The question of what to do with them was discussed among the Commanding officers here last night, and the conclusion seems to be that they will be divided, a portion going to Alton, another portion to Chicago, and probably a third portion going to Fort Wayne and Detroit.

Troops are continually arriving and departing for the seat of war, and our army will soon again be in readiness to advance.

It is believed, that if permitted to do so, very many of the rebel prisoners would gladly take up arms on the side of the Union.  The privates, almost to a man, declare that they have seen quite enough of the secession elephant. – The officers, however, are generally very morose and bitter in their expressions relative to the North.

In addition to the list of killed and wounded previously reported, are the following:

46th Illinois, Commissary Sergeant Traverse, Killed; Lt. Col. Maltby, ball in the leg; Cornelius Shay, flesh wound in the thigh; Lieut. H. H. Boyce, severely wounded in the hip from a Minnie ball; George P. Appleton, severely wounded in the foot.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, February 22, 1862, p. 3

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