
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Further Particulars Of The Great Victory

FORT DONELSON, Tenn., Feb. 17. – The great fire which was seen up the river from this pint last night was the burning of the Tennessee Rolling Mills, some four miles from here, by our gunboats.  The works have been used by the rebels in the manufacture of shot and shell and other material of war.  It was an extensive concern.

Our soldiers have been engaged to-day in burying the dead on the battle-field.  The rebel dead will also be decently interred.  The spectacle on the field is a horrible one.

Gen. Grant has promulgated the most stringent orders against blundering from the inhabitants, and also against stealing property taken in battle, all of which belongs to the Government.

Before surrendering the rebels threw all their late mails into the river.  Col. Markland, U. S. Postal Director, succeeded, however, in seizing a number of mailbags and some outside letters supposed to contain important information.

Floyd’s brigade, when taking their departure, threw their arms into the river to prevent them from falling into our hands, as they expected to be caught by our gunboats.  Their rams were Minnie rifles, of the best kind.  The crews of the gunboats are now engaged in fishing them out of the river.

Capt. Dixson, the rebel Chief of Artillery and the engineer who constructed the fortifications here, was killed in the bombardment of Friday, in one of his own batteries.  He is represented to have been a superior officer, and the great strength of the fortifications here attest the truth of this representation.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, February 22, 1862, p. 3

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