
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Further From Ft. Donelson

Two more Rebel Regiments, Captured, &c., &c.

FT. DONALSON [sic], Feb. 19, via CAIRO. – Two more regiments were captured to-day, east of the entrenchments, and a number of troops have come in and delivered themselves up.

About 12,000 stand of small arms have been taken.  Many of the rebel troops destroyed their arms, and large numbers were thrown in the river.  There are two water batteries, the upper one with a heavy rifled gun, 32 pound bore, two 32-pounder carronades.  The lower battery contains eight 32-poounders and one ten inch columbiad, mounted in embrasures.  Two thousand barrels of flour and 1200 boxes of beef, and a large amount of other provisions were found to-day.

All of to-day has been occupied in embarking prisoners and gathering up stores and munitions and burying the dead.  There are a great number of dead rebels still unburied, as it has all been thrown upon our men to do.

Capt. Lagone, aide to Gen. Grant, goes to Clarksville, to-morrow, under a flag of truce with the bodies of two colonels, and to effect an exchange of our wounded prisoners, who have been sent to Nashville.

Gen. Grant received official notice, last night of the creation of a new Military District, of Western Tennessee, of which he is appointed commander, with headquarters at Ft. Donelson.

Gen. Grant’s Staff remains as at present, with Maj. W. W. Leland attached, as chief of commissary.

Osband’s cavalry and Willard’s battery suffered no loss in killed.

Taylor’s battery acted nobly, and was charged on five times on Saturday, each time repulsing the enemy with great slaughter.

Among the killed, are the following officers:

Captain Wilson, Lieutenants Marsh, Sheets, Howell and Monroe, of the 8th Illinois.  Capt. Shaw, Lieutenants Churchill, Voore, Boyer and orderly Sargeant Bedard, of the 11th.  Adjutant Kirkpatrick, of the 30th.

Cols. John A. Logan, M. K. Lawler and Lieut. Col. Ransom, slightly wounded.

Maj. Post, who was reported killed, was wounded and taken prisoner.

Capt. E. T. [sic] Slaymaker, of the 2d Iowa was killed.

The Confirmation of Gen. C. F. Smith, was received with great satisfaction by the soldiers. – His gallant charge of Saturday, has made him extremely popular among his men.

Gen. S. A. Hurlbut reported for duty to Gen. Grant, this evening, and has been assigned to a division.

It is currently reported that Gov. Harris, of Tennessee, has ordered all Tennesseans to lay down their arms.

The greatest indignation exists among the prisoners against Pillow and Floyd.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, February 22, 1862, p. 3

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