
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Specials to the New York Papers

(Tribune Correspondence.)

WASHINGTON, Feb. 16. – Gen. Sanders resignation has not been received here, and people who know his impatience for a fight pray it may not come.

Little has been said of the prize money earned by the crews of our blockading vessels, but the amount cannot be small.  The share due to Commander Alden, of the South Carolina, which made so many captures in the Gulf, is one hundred thousand dollars.  Nineteen times that sum is to be divided among his officers and men.

Gen. Grant was nominated as a Major-General to-day.  The Senate, which has since had no Executive Session, will not confirm him until the official reports are received.

The House Committee on Territories will soon report a bill organizing Arizona as a free Territory.  The Wilmot Proviso will be a part of the bill.

Mr. S. A. Allen has been appointed an agent to accompany our forces into Tennessee to take charge of the cotton crop in behalf of the Government.

(Times’ dispatch.)

Andy Johnson will probably proceed to Nashville as soon as Gen. Buell’s army takes possession of that city, and assist in organizing a Provisional Government for Tennessee.  The people there are panting for freedom, and a resumption of their connection with the union.  They will probably send a full delegation of loyal men to Congress by the last of March.

The President to-day nominated Col. Garfield of Ohio, as Brigadier General in compliment for his thrashing Humphrey Marshall.

The War Department has proofs, which is considered conclusive, that young Walworth is a spy.

(World’s Correspondence.)

WASHINGTON, Feb. 19. – The recent news from Europe touching the determination of the allied powers to put Hapsburg as a ruler over Mexico, would thus create a monarchy on our borders, is exciting profound emotion here.  The fact that some such scheme was on the table has been in the possession of the Department for some time past and it will be found that the dispatches have been already sent to our Ministers at London, Paris and Madrid protesting energetically against any such project.

(Tribune Correspondence.)

The Navy Department will issue proposals to-morrow for building a number of steam men-of-war of various kinds.  The Department will withhold for the present the proposals for iron-clad steamers.  The construction of gunboats will be urgently pressed.

(World’s Dispatch)

Among other things presented to the House yesterday was the memorial of the American Geographical and Statistical Society asking the intercession of Congress in reference to the ship canal connected the river St. Lawrence and all the great Lakes on the boundary with the Atlantic ocean in the Bay of New York., and any future adjustment of the commercial relations between the United states and Great Britain.

(Tribune’s Dispatch.)

In well informed circles here it is positively asserted that Gen. Fremont has been completely vindicated of all the charges brought against his conduct of the war in Missouri, by the vote of the joint Committee of Investigation.  A highly important command is indicated for him in the far West.

(Herald’s Dispatch.)

A disposition has been manifested in the Senate to pass over most of the nominations for Brigadier Generals for the present and let the nominees win their stars by gallantry and efficiency in the field before they are confirmed.

A broad line of distinction has been drawn in the Senate between officers who lounge about the hotels or dawdle in drawing rooms, and those who devote their attention to the improvement of the efficiency of their command or are in active duties in the field.  Whenever these come up, the nomination of one against whom or in whose favor there is nothing particularly to be said by common consent, it is passed over to await the future conduct of the candidate and let him prove his merit by his deeds.

NEW YORK. Feb. 20. – A special states that Senator Wade and Andrew Johnson had an interview with Gen. McClellan yesterday and urged the necessity of action with the army on the Potomac as well as in the West.

The Senate will take up the Mexican treaty in Executive Session.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, February 22, 1862, p. 3

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