
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Further News from Fort Donelson

3,000 Rebel Prisoners ask to be Armed and Enrolled in the Armies of the Union.

Clarksville Evacuated.



CAIRO, Feb. 20. – Only sixteen remain of company G., 11th Illinois regiment, who are not killed, wounded or taken prisoners.

Gov. Yates and staff left for Fort Donelson last evening.

The Wounded officers of the 11th Illinois are Lieut. Col. Ransom, Lieut. Churchill, Co. A, Lieut. Wilcox, Co. B, Lieut. Dean, Co. D., Capt. Andrews, Co. D, Lieut. Duncan, Co. H, and Lieut. Blackstone, Co. I.  The killed are Capt. Shaw, Co. B, Lieut. Boyce, Co. G.  The Missing are Lieut. Kenyon, Co. K, and Lieut. Vore, Co. E.  Not over 100 effective men are left of the 11th regiment.  The wounded are partly at Mound City and the rest at Fort Donelson.  It is thought that this regiment will return to their old quarters at Bird’s Point.

One thousand secesh prisoners left for Camp Douglas last evening, via the Illinois Central Railroad.  More will follow to-day.  Those sent yesterday were Mississippians and Texans.  Two boat loads have arrived and will be forwarded immediately.

The 2nd Michigan Artillery arrived last evening by steamer City of Alton.

Jas. Friedeman of Co. D, 8th Wisconsin was buried today at Bird’s Point.

A rebel officer states that the exaggeration of Major Post of the 8th Illinois who was taken prisoner before the surrender of Fort Donelson materially aided in preventing any further resistance on their part.

The body of Lieut. Colonel White of the 31st Illinois has just arrived.

Three thousand rebel prisoners at Fort Donelson have asked to be allowed their arms and enrolled in the army of the Union.

A special order was issued to-day forbidding the issue of passes to Fort Donelson and other points on the Ohio river above Cairo.

The report is current and uncontradicted that Clarksville is evacuated.

It is reported that Gov. Harris has convened the Legislature of the State of Tennessee to repeal all laws passed by the Confederate Legislature inconsistent with the Federal Constitution.

White flags are flying at Nashville, and Gen. Grant has been invited to occupy Clarksville. – If this is true, Tennessee can be counted out of the Southern Confederacy.

The casualties among the officers of the 18th Illinois, are, Killed, Capt. J. S. Craig, company A, Lieut. John Mauseur, Company C.

Wounded – Col. Lawler, Capt. D. H. Brush, company K; Capt. H. S. Wilcox, company B; Capt. J. W. Dillon, company C; Capt. P. Lawler, company D.

Supposed to be taken prisoners – Lieut. Tole, company D; Lieut. Kelley, company E; Lieut. Thompson, company F; Capt. Cruise, company G; Lieuts. Lawrence and Conner, company K.

The whole number of killed in the regiment is 50, wounded 150.

There is an awful flutter at Columbus, but we hear nothing decisive.

Brig. Gen. John Pope arrived from St. Louis, to-night.

The number of field pieces taken is much larger than heretofore telegraphed.  We have at least 70 guns.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, February 22, 1862, p. 3

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