
Friday, March 9, 2012

Washington News, Rumors &c.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 20. – Yesterday the Senate confirmed Cassius M. Clay as Major-General, and Jesse L. Reno, of Burnside’s column, as Brigadier-General.  It also rejected Quartermaster Charles Lieb for the second time, the Military Committee stating that he had a million of dollars unaccounted for.

Mr. Vallandigham was much agitated while speaking on Mr. Hickman’s resolution.  When he concluded only two members went to him, Cox and Pendleton.  The Kentucky members are evidently against him.

Mr. Washburne, of Ill., pushed the House in Committee of the Whole through all the Senate’s amendments to the Treasury note bill at a gallop, cutting off a number of long-winded speeches.  The vote concurring in the amendment paying interest in cash was, ayes 76, nays not counted.  The sinking fund amendment was rejected on the unanimous recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee, though opposed by the Homestead, because it devotes to this fund the proceeds of sales of public lands.

The Richmond Examiner of Saturday contains an editorial commencing with the following: – From the valiant Senator down to the timid seamstress, the question on every tongue in Richmond is, whether the enemy are likely to penetrate with their gunboats to this quarter.

The House District of Columbia Committee will report a bill abolishing slavery and incorporating Pennsylvania Avenue.

Assistant Secretary Seward was examined by the Judiciary Committee on censorship of telegraph yesterday.  The investigation is drawing to a close.

A report was made in the Senate Executive Secession yesterday on Mexican affairs by the Committee on Foreign Affairs.  It has been ordered printed.

Mr. Rice of Minnesota, from the Senate Committee on Military Affairs, reported yesterday a joint resolution giving authority to the President to appoint a Lieutenant General by brevet.  The same committee reported in favor of an appropriation to purchase and distribute silver medals to privates and non-commissioned officers, in both army and navy, for distinguished services during the present war.  They also decide not to grant brevet commissions except for gallant conduct in the face of the enemy.

All stories purporting that Gen. Fremont has received a clean bill of health from the Committee on the Conduct of the War, or that he has been assigned to a new command, are without foundation, at least premature.  What may be done eventually depends on the Committee.

The Committee on Conduct of the War has recently been inquiring into the case of Dr. Ives and into the blockade of the Potomac.  On the first matter Mr. Hudson, managing editor of the New York Herald, and on the 2nd, Capt. Dahlgren were examined.

The Navy Department will issue proposals for steam men of war.  Construction of gunboats will be pressed.

No more titles by brevet will be given, except for distinction in battle.

Mr. Trumbull said in the debate on the army deficiency bill to-day, that he had received authentic information that there were only 28,000 Union soldiers under Gen. Grant at Fort Donelson, instead for 40,000 or 50,000, as reported.

In the House Mr. Voorhes of Indiana made a thorough secession speech, declaring that the people of Indiana were in favor of compromise with the rebels.

Mr. Washburn of Illinois replied to him, saying that the people of Illinois were in favor of Gen. Grant’s compromise with Buckner, viz: immediate and unconditional surrender.  (Loud applause on the floor and galleries.)

Thirty transports ran the Potomac blockade unharmed Tuesday and Wednesday nights.

Gen. Thomas Williams is released from command at Hatteras, and will have command under Gen. Butler, now at Ship Island.

Butler’s New England department has been abrogated, and his authority to raise and equip troops and make contracts revoked.

Governors of States are hereafter to be the only persons authorized to raise regiments.

Mr. Richardson of Illinois, from the House Military Committee, reported a resolution urging that no rebels who have been in the civil, military or naval service of the United States, be exchanged, with the design of keeping and punishing them as ringleaders.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, February 22, 1862, p. 3

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