
Monday, June 25, 2012

A Battle -- Winchester Occupied

WINCHESTER, March 12. – This place is at length recovered.  From the Indian march of our forces to Berryville and reconnoissance to this vicinity succeeded in misleading the enemy so they did not know where to expect an attack.  Yesterday P. M. they commenced evacuating the place.

General Hamilton’s men while advancing from Bunker Hill, the Michigan Cavalry leading, 1,200 of the enemy’s cavalry gave battle, supported by a section of artillery.  This was about 5 P. M. yesterday.  A battalion of the 1st Maryland regiment reinforced our cavalry, and one of our sections of artillery came up and replied to the enemy’s guns.  The fight was soon over.  The enemy fled leaving their two guns, several horses and about 30 men killed and wounded.  Our whole loss was 4 killed and 15 wounded, all of 1st Maryland.  Large stores of ammunition, provisions and many horses have fallen into our hands.

The Union flag floats triumphantly over Winchester.  The reception of our troops by the people has been most enthusiastic.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 15, 1862, p. 3

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