
Monday, June 25, 2012

Foreign News


The smith laborers in Liverpool were making demonstrations but had been promptly dispersed by the police.

The Opinion Nationale says that a reactive movement is being reorganized at Trieste.  They will embark simultaneously at several points on the Neapolitan territory.

Treiste, Feb. 27. – The garrison of Tripoly is following the example of the garrison at Nappa and revolted.

Aloina and Aurom are preparing to return to Greece.

The number of insurgents will soon be considerably increased.

The insurrection is considered important as it might influence an alarming state of things in Turkey.

The iron-plated frigate, Warrior has arrived at Plymouth and it is reported that there is no leakage as first reported.

London, Feb. 28. – The Paris correspondent of the times says that the excitement consequent upon Prince Napoleon’s speech is increasing.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 15, 1862, p. 3

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