
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

First Session -- 37th Congress

WASHINGTON, March 11. – HOUSE. – Mr. CRITTENDEN addressed the House in opposition to the resolution.

Mr. FISHER, of Delaware, favored the resolution.

Mr. HICKMAN, did not consider the resolution of any great practical importance, but would vote for it.

After further debate the question was put and the resolution passed, 88 to 31.  Adjourned.

SENATE. – The bill for the purchase of coin was resumed.  Mr. Fessenden’s amendment increasing the amount to fifty millions was adopted and the bill passed.

The report of the Conference Committee on the Legislative appropriation bill was agreed to.

The bill reducing the expenses of the sales of public lands was passed.

The following amendment to the Confiscation bill was ordered printed: “Strike out the first question and insert the personal property, money, stock, credits and effects of every kind and nature, wheresoever situated, belonging to persons who have heretofore held office under Government or State, and all persons who now or may hereafter hold office under the so-called Confederate States or any State in rebellion or are or may be engaged in resisting the Federal Government, shall be confiscated, such confiscation to take immediate effect, and the possession of their right and title to the personal property of such persons shall cease.”

Senate adjourned.

WASHINGTON, March 19. – HOUSE. – Mr. EDWARDS introduced a joint resolution tendering the thanks of Congress to J. Erricsson for his enterprise, skill and forecast displayed in the construction of the Monitor, and to Lieut. Wooden, officers and men for service recently rendered.  Referred to the Committee on naval affairs.

Mr. McPherson introduced a joint resolution which was referred to, to fill the vacancy in the board of Regents.

The House passed the bill authorizing the appointment of a commission to set with the Commissioners from Great Britain and France for the purpose of adopting measures for the protection of the fisheries on the coast of Newfoundland.  Three thousand dollars was appropriated to carry the act into effect.

The House passed the Senate bill amendatory of the act for carrying into effect the treaty with New Grenada and Costa Rica for the adjudication of claims.

Mr. CALVERT submitted a minority report.  The subject was recommended to this committee for the District of Columbia.

Mr. BLAIR of Missouri from the Committee on Military affairs reported a bill to increase the efficiency of the Medical department.  Also a bill to provide for the organization of Signal corps to serve during the present war, the consideration of which was postponed.

The House passed the bill amendatory of the 8th section of the act to promote the efficiency of the Navy.

Mr. SEDGWICK’S report from the Naval Committee, a bill regulating the grades of line officers of the Navy.

The House passed the Senate bill providing for the customary acknowledgement of the letter and presents from the King of Siam.

Mr. ASHLEY from the Committee on Loyalty reported a bill providing for provisional governments, over the district of countries in rebellion against the United States, and the President is authorized to take possession and instituted such governments, Governors, &c. to be appointed, and Legislative Assemblys [sic] and Courts established, and continue until the people form new State Governments.

Mr. CRAVENS, from the Senate Committee, submitted a report which takes the ground that the bill provides that Congress has no power to exclude slaves from the Union and hold them in colonial dependencies and vassalage till ready to be admitted.

SENATE. – Mr. TRUMBULL from the Judiciary Committee Reported back the resolution for the expulsion of Mr. Powell, with the recommendation that it do not pass.

Mr. SHERMAN, offered a Joint resolution expressing the thanks of Congress to Lieutenant Warden and Sailors.  Laid over.

He also introduced a bill to authorize the President to take possession of certain property. – Referred.

Mr. LATHAM introduced a bill to repeal all laws preventing foreign vessels from carrying the mails to Panama and Aspinwall, and a joint resolution was received from the House tendering aid, &c., to certain States.  Referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

On motion of Mr. WILSON, of Mass., the law to authorize the Secretary of War to accept monies appropriated by the States in the payment of volunteers, was taken up and passed.

WASHINGTON, March 13. – HOUSE. – Mr. DUELL introduced a joint resolution which was passed tendering the thanks of Congress to Gen. Curtis and the officers and men under his command, and sincerely sympathizing with the relatives and friends of the officers and soldiers of the army who fell at Pea Ridge.

The House in Committee of the Whole resumed consideration of the tax bill.

Mr. RICHARDSON of Illinois moved amendment providing that two per cent. of the whole revenue derived from the bill shall be set  apart for the purpose of buying or obtaining by treaty certain territory outside of the limits of the United States on which to colonize free blacks, and for the payment of the expenses of transportation there.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 15, 1862, p. 3

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