
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Iowa Legislature

(Special to the Hawk-Eye.)

DES MOINES, March 13, 1862.

The presentation of the Regimental colors of the Iowa 2d, took place in the House this afternoon.  The Senate adjourned and came into the House, and a large assemblage filled the gallery.

When the Governor and Staff entered the House and slowly unfurled the colors, it was greeted with great cheering.

The Governor presented the banner to the Speaker of the House in eloquent language, referring to the imperishable valor of the regiment that bore it so nobly on the bloody and glorious field of Donelson.

The colors could well be entrusted to such troops to add immortal lustre to the emblem of our country.  Who could die a bloodier death than those who fell at Donelson amid the storm of battle?  It should be sacredly preserved in the archives of the State as a memento of the astounding valor and bravery of the Iowa Second.

Col. John Scott of Iowa the hero of Blue Mills battle being called upon paid a fine tribute to the colors.  The entire audience untied in singing the Star Spangled Banner.

Gen. Halleck telegraphed to hurry forward every enlisted man from Iowa immediately.

T. H. S.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 15, 1862, p. 3

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