
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A severe battle in New Mexico

ST. LOUIS, March 13. – The Republican has advices from Albuquerque, New Mexico, Feb. 23, which states that the Texans have made various significant movements in the vicinity of Fort Craig.

On the 18th they advanced a column of infantry, one thousand strong, in line of battle in front of the Fort, and also moved a Column of 800 cavalry to the west of the other defences.  They advanced within a mile and a half of the works, and halted, with the secession flag floating in the breeze, and remained some time, and then commenced a retrograde movement.

During the time of the advance, Col. Camby [sic] prudently concentrated the greater part of his forces in the rear of the Fort.  When the enemy commenced retreating, and the infantry was separated from the cavalry, Col. Camby ordered Major Duncan to charge the cavalry of the enemy with a squadron of dragoons and mounted men, which they did in gallant style, the enemy retreating before them until they arrived at a deep ravine.  The Texan infantry in the meantime advanced to the rear of the cavalry, and a skirmish took place at the ravine. – The Texans continued their fall back.

It is reported that the Texans had 8 pieces of artillery placed in a battery masked in a ravine, but a short distance below where the skirmish took place.

On the 19th and 20th, the Texans crossed to the east bank of the Rio Grande in order, it is supposed, to take possession of the heights opposite Fort Craig.  Col. Camby crossed and pursued them in force, when the Texans on the heights fired some fifty cannon shots without damage to our forces.  Col. Camby fired by two shots, deeming it inexpedient to waste ammunition.  On the morning of the 21st, 200 Texan mules were captured, with their wagon master.  The Texans are on the heights and destitute of water.  Col. Camby has the pass to the water guarded by a battery of 2000 men and all other outlet guarded in force – the Texans must either fight desperately for water or surrender.  When the Express closed on the morning of the 21st, the firing of cannon was heard in the direction of Valverde, announcing that the battle had begun.

LATER. – The Military Express just arrived from Fort Craig, with the news of a series of conflicts between our forces and the Texans, which lasted from 9 o’clock, A. M. of the 21st, until sunset, of the same day.  The fight commenced in the morning between a portion of our troops, under Colonel Redborth, and the enemy across the river, with varied success, until 1 or 2 o’clock that day.  Col. Camby then crossed the river in force, with a battery of six pieces, under Captain McRae, of the cavalry, but detailed to command the batter, also a small battery of two howitzers.  The enemy was supposed to have 7 or eight pieces.

The battle commenced by artillery and skirmishing and soon became general.  Toward evening most of the enemy’s guns were silenced, they however, made a desperate charge on the howitzer battery but were repulsed with great loss.  Capt. McCrae’s battery was defended by Capt. Plimpton’s company of U. S. infantry and a portion of Col. Pinon’s regiment of New Mexican volunteers.  The Texans charged desperately and furiously with picked men about 600 strong.  They were armed with carbines, revolvers, and long seven pound bowie knives, after discharging their carbines at close distance, they drew their revolvers and rushed on the battery in a storm of grape and canister.  The Mexicans of Pinon’s regiment were panic stricken and ingloriously fled.  Capt. Plimpton and his infantry stood their ground and fought nobly until more than one half of them were numbered with the dead – with his artillery men cut down, his support killed, wounded or flying from the field, Capt. McRae sat down calmly and quietly on one of his guns and with a revolver in his hands refusing to fly or leave his post, he fought to the last and gloriously died the death of a hero, the last man by his guns.

The Texans suffered terribly.  In his command many officers distinguished themselves on this day.  Maj. Johnson who was chief aid of Camby acted bravely and was conspicuous in every part of the field.  His horse was wounded in several places but he was not injured. – Kit Carson in command of a regiment of volunteers who were deployed as skirmishers did good service during the action and behaved well.  He have however to mourn the loss of Lieuts. McLearnand and McIntire, who like Capt. McRae, nobly and bravely manned the howitzers in defense of our flag to the last and gloriously died the death of patriots; many others were wounded.  Our loss was about 200 killed and wounded.  That of the enemy is believed to be much greater.  The greatest confidence is reposed in Col. Camby, and if volunteers will do their duty the Texans will be ignominiously driven from the country.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 15, 1862, p. 3

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