
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Dedication Exercises at the Eleventh Iowa Regimental Monument: Shiloh National Military Park

November 22, 1906

10:00 A. M.

Music: Fifty-fifth Iowa Regimental Band
“The Vacant Chair”

Captain G. O. Morgridge, Eleventh Iowa Regiment

Comrades, Ladies and Gentlemen:

Today we stand in the presence of the dead. It is a day full of solemn memories to those who participated in the events that transpired here in 1862. It was at this place that the regiment which this monument commemorates gave up many lives and endured much suffering in its country's service. After Iowa resolved to commemorate her heroes by rearing monuments to mark the places where they fought, I was appointed by Governor Shaw commissioner for the Eleventh regiment. His action was recommended by Colonel A. M. Hare, Colonel Ben Beach, and many officers and men of the regiment. Today it is my pleasure to present to you a mass of granite located where the regiment fought and many fell. It will say to the world after we who remain have joined our comrades, and until this stone shall crumble in the dust, “These stood for Liberty.”

*The inscription on the front of this monument gives in brief the regiment's place on this field. The rear inscription I did not prepare and have never approved, nor has it ever been approved by the Iowa commission. It is not in accord with our Colonel William Hall’s official report of the part taken by our regiment in the engagement.

Colonel Cornelius Cadle, chairman of the Shiloh national military park commission, said:

“Mr. Chairman:

“The regiment whose monument has just been dedicated was commanded by Colonel A. M. Hare. In this battle he commanded the First brigade of McClernand's division, was severely wounded and carried from the field. His daughter has just placed upon the monument a wreath of immortelles, in memory of her father and his comrades. I present to you Mrs. Ida Hare Warfield.”

Mrs. Warfield expressed her appreciation of being present on the ground where her father fought.

Rev. Dr. A. L. Frisbie of Des Moines, Iowa

“Accept, O God, this stone, before our people and before thee — lest we forget. We would cherish in our hearts thoughts for those who gave themselves for us, for our common country — who contributed all that they were that government by the people might stand perpetually. We thank thee for the sacrifices made here, and we pray thee that from them we may learn the lesson of true devotion; that so we may become a people that shall stand among the people of the earth able to govern ourselves.

“And may the peace that passeth understanding, the peace that rests upon the dead, the Divine peace of truth and right, be upon all the people, in the Redeemer’s name.  Amen."

*NOTE — In order to avoid anything which might mar the spirit of the occasion, this paragraph was omitted in reading.

SOURCE:  Alonzo Abernathy, Editor, Dedication of Monuments Erected By The State Of Iowa, 215-6

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