
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Another Victory in Eastern Kentucky

The Rebels under Marshall Routed at Pound Gap – Camp Equipage and Arms Captured.

(Correspondence of the Cincinnati Gazette.)

March 18th, 1862.

Gen. Garfield left this camp on the 14th inst., at the head of six hundred men, detailed in about equal numbers from the 42d and 40th Ohio and 22d Kentucky regiments and McLaughlin’s Cavalry, destined for Pound Gap. – That point was reached on Sunday morning last, after a march of thirty-seven miles, performed in something less than two days.  The enemy were taken by surprise, dislodged from their stronghold, and driven routed and discomfited from the field.  The entire camp, with its equipage, consisting of numerous log huts, canvas tents, subsistence stores, wagons, and all the trappings of camp life, together with some three hundred squirrel rifles, fell into our possession.  In the absence of means of transportation, all but what the boys could carry on their backs, was submitted to the flames.  It was a brilliant victory, and the entire detachment returned this morning, without loss or damage to a man.  With many hearty congratulations for recent brilliant victories everywhere and all around the land.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 29, 1862, p. 1

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